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Emery Oleochemicals commits to offer ’haze-free’ products

ROME, ITALY (October 19, 2016) – Emery Oleochemicals, a world leading natural-based chemicals producer, has showcased at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in Rome, Italy, how its products are not sourced from wrongly-practiced deforestation area, the main contributor to haze pollution in South East Asia.

Ramesh Kana, Group CEO of Emery Oleochemicals, said “Knowing our ‘first mile’ farmers in Malaysia means we can guarantee all our customers that all our palm oil-based products they buy from us are produced responsibly and sustainably. We can also guarantee that the palm oil we use is not sourced from any area that burns forests, peatland or contributes to the serious haze or deforestation problems in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. This means that the consumer products produced by our buyers will share these same evidences”.

This commitment started when Emery Oleochemicals joined leading global agribusinesses including Nestlé and Pepsico at the United Nations HQ, New York in 2015, By adopting Bluenumber technology, a state-of-the art global identification system, companies are now be able to identify all of their supply chains in one single platform.   Emery Oleochemicals are now able to trace their palm oil supply chain to its origin.

Puvan Selvanathan, CEO of the Bluenumber Foundation, the brainchild of Bluenumber technology, noted “By using Bluenumbers technology, any brands source from Emery Oleochemicals’ palm oil-based products will be able to directly evidence to their consumers how they do not contribute to haze pollution.”

This pioneering work by Emery Oleochemicals and its partners in Malaysia will include over 500 oil palm smallholders in the first phase. The collected data will be shared with various stakeholders, especially government agencies.  First batch of ‘haze-free’ products will be delivered to customers by end-2017.

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